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8 Οκτωβρίου 2024 - 5:00:00 π.μ.

Power Searching – Interactive Class

Search is an area of FileMaker that Matt has been thinking about and perfecting for over a decade. One of the most powerful tools in your database is the found set. We will explore some great ways to use these basic search tools, get into reporting, and talk about scripting.

A great free tool that we offer is called fmSearchResults. This utility is designed to search in all relevant tables in your database and show the results on one page. We believe that the large majority of FileMaker database can benefit from this, so come and see what it's all about.

In the Free Class, we will show what it does, and talk about why you need it.

In the Interactive Class, we will integrate this into your database – and configure it to unlock the power and make it easier than ever for users to find data in your databases.

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